Untitled (Sunflowers) by Peter DeLira


Untitled (Sunflowers) by Peter DeLira, 2019, color pencil on paper, 22.5 x 30.5 inches (PEDelira-2741-87)

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Untitled (Sunflowers) by Peter DeLira, 2019, color pencil on paper, 22.5 x 30.5 inches (PEDelira-2741-87)

Untitled (Sunflowers) by Peter DeLira, 2019, color pencil on paper, 22.5 x 30.5 inches (PEDelira-2741-87)

Untitled by Thomas Pringle
After Agnolo Bronzino, "Eleanor of Toldedo with Her Son Don Giovanni" by Laron Bickerstaff
Untitled by Ade Lewis, 2021
Untitled (Purple Monster) by Hector Lopez
The Rhinosceros's by Loren King