Annual Report July 2020 - June 2021

Read our Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report

The year was filled with challenges and opportunities. Our artists, staff, and supporters stepped up to best serve our community, adapt to a changing world, and plan for our future. The annual report highlights our journey and all our supporters who make our life-changing work possible.

By July of 2020, our program team and artists were finding their groove with our new suite of virtual art classes and remote services, sidewalk art shows, and lots of art supply deliveries. But reality had begun to sink in – it would be some time before we could get back to the studios. We had to pivot our focus to ensure Creativity Explored would be able to adapt to an ever-changing landscape.

But where there are challenges there are also opportunities! Our dedicated team doubled down and with the community’s support we served each and every Creativity Explored artist on their terms.

Best of all, we now understand the full lives and potential of our artists better than we did before the pandemic.

Working remotely and asynchronously, the Creativity Explored community looked inward to finalize an ambitious new Strategic Plan and made investments in our infrastructure to adapt to an increasingly virtual world:

  • We refreshed our look and website to better tell our artists’ stories and share their work with the world.

  • We embraced virtual art classes and remote services offering over 130 neurodiverse artists new ways to safely connect, engage, and create art.

  • We hosted our first ever virtual Art Changes Lives gala and auction and connected with our partners

  • We planned for a person-centered future for Creativity Explored programs and invested in a new social services department to best meet every artist’s individual needs.

Check out the annual report to see our full list of donors and supporters, then get inspired and join the cause.

Make a donation today to support our bright future

our donors - see report for text

A new residency collaboration with the Recology Artist in Residence Program (AIR)


Whole Foods Market tote bags feature licensed art by Laron Bickerstaff