Aileen Louie

Gallery Associate

Staff Member since 2017

by Loren King

Aileen Louie is an artist and maker who frequently immerses herself in a diversity of artistic mediums, but she has always been drawn to wearable, recycled, and fiber arts. Her creations are inspired by her international travels and folk art, and typically have a tactile quality with a dash of whimsy. She has collaborated on several large scale Burning Man art structures and installations; building multi-story wood sculptures and fire art.

Aileen is a bi-coastal transplant, hailing from the Bay Area, Maryland, and New York. She received her BA and BS in architecture and civil engineering at Barnard College and Columbia University.

She is continually inspired by the expressive energy and supportive community of Creativity Explored.

Thomas Claesen

Owner & designer at Clawsun. Originally from Belgium, but now located in Nashville, TN. Drumline instructor in my free time.

Tom Leach


Angela Luscombe