Camilla Bixler

Board Member

Board member since 2022

by Andrew Bixler

Camilla Bixler is the mother of Andrew Bixler, who has been an artist at Creativity Explored since 2006. They both appreciate the dignity, sense of purpose and vibrant art community CE affords its artists. Camilla believes the best way to advocate for her son is to help his entire community.

She was a founding board member of Star Academy, a private and non-public school for students with complex learning needs. She was a founding board member of AASCEND, an adult autism advocacy non-profit and now serves as its Co-Chair. Over the years she has initiated many clubs and social activities including We Gotta Dance, a monthly dance for adults, now located at The Arc of San Francisco.

Camilla works to educate the larger community about neurodiversity through conferences and programs that encourage adults on the autism spectrum to speak for themselves. She serves on the San Francisco Police Department’s Crisis Intervention Team Work Group and helped produce an autism training video for the officers. Camilla has spent her career as an educator, teaching English as a Second Language at City College of San Francisco and abroad.


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